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Orange Seal Endurance Tyre Sealant

Orange Seal Endurance Tyre Sealant

240ml Bottle Bottle - With Injector
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Regular price $43.95
Regular price Sale price $43.95
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The Orange Seal Endurance Sealant is quite incredible! It'll seal up to a 1/4 inch hole!

It's Eco friendly and is formulated to last longer than the competition. (Up to 3 x as long!)

The Endurance Sealant has what Orange Seal call "Nanites". These are different size and shaped particles that help to clog the hole and keep you riding!

The Nanites are mixed through a proprietary premium latex. The latex is sustainable though both extreme weather and altitudes.

Available with or without the injection system.

So... Does it work? See the video below!