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ODI TLD Bonus Pack Lock On Grips - Aqua With Blue Clamps

ODI TLD Bonus Pack Lock On Grips - Aqua With Blue Clamps

Aqua With Blue Clamps
Grip Component:
Dual Lock On Grips
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Regular price $63.95
Regular price $70.00 Sale price $63.95
Tax included.


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What happens when ledgendary companies Troy Lee Designs and ODI team up to make a grip? Awesome!

Designed with TLD's "For The Worlds Fastest Racers" motto in mind, the ODI/TLD features ramped knobs to that clear mud and water build up whilse also providing an extrra padded feel. These are a mid thickness grip, not as thin as a Ruffian, not as thick as a Rogue. They have a slight flange on the inside. The outside of the grip is over moulded over the clamp slightly to increase the usable size. The inside lockring is laser etched to ensure you get the rotation of the grips spot on, everytime.

Did we mention the colour ways scream TLD's unique style too?