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RRP Bearing Adaptor

RRP Bearing Adaptor

Kit 3a - 609
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Use these bearing adaptors with the Rapid Racer Products Bearing Press & Extraction Tool (BPET) to extract and install suspension linkage bearings with surgical precision. (See Links & More Info Tab)

Each adaptor kit (with some exceptions listed below) includes an adaptor for both installation and extraction of particular sized bearings.

Bearing Kits 1, 2 & 3 don’t have male adaptors (all are female adaptors) due to the small size of the bearing bore hole.

Bearing Name Kit No RRP Code Bore Size OD Size
688 2rs 1 BPET688 8 16
698 2rs / 398v 2 BPET698 8 19
608 2rs / 608E-2rs 3 BPET608 8 22
609 2rs 3a BPET609 9 24
6800 2rs / 61800 2rs 4 BPET6800 10 19
6900 2rs / 61900 2rs 5 BPET6900 10 22
6000 2rs 6 BPET6000 10 26
6801 2rs / 61801 2rs 6a BPET6801 12 21
6901 2rs / 61901 2rs 7 BPET6901 12 24
6001 2rs 8 BPET6001 12 28
3802 2rs / 63802 2rs / 6802 2rs / 61802 2rs 9 BPET63802 15 24
1526 2rs 10 BPET1526 15 26
6902 2rs / 6902E-2rs / 61902 2rs / 7902 11 BPET6902 15 28
6002 2rs 12 BPET6002 15 32
6803 2rs / 61803 2rs 13 BPET6803 17 26
17287 2rs 13a BPET17287 17 28
6903 2rs / 6903E-2rs / 61903 2rs / 61903E-2rs 14 BPET6903 17 30
6003 2rs 15 BPET6003 17 35
6804 2rs / 61804 2rs 16 BPET6804 20 32
6805 / 61805 2rs 17 BPET6805 25 37
Bearing Press & Extraction Tool(BPET) BPETHTB
Bore hole size of bearing (hole in the centre)
Outer diameter of bearing race