MTB Dirt Skills Pt 4 - Trail Scanning

Once you are happy that the trail is clear and safe to shred, you will be able to look for:
Surface conditions
Contours of the trail
The best route
Risks or Hazards
Some objects like large rocks or stumps, trees or gaps pose an actual risk because they are present every time you ride the trail. These things are stationary and easy to manage safely and consistently. Sometimes, your eyes will need to temporarily drop and look just ahead of your front tyre to make sure you avoid these hazards.

Surface Conditions

Contours of the Trail

The Best Route – Line Choice

Applying This to Your Riding

Meet Cameron
Cameron Allonby is a lifelong riding enthusiast and the owner of Brisbane’s Dirt Skills mountain bike coaching.
Dirt Skills aims to develop skilful and accountable riders who support growth within the mountain bike community by being a polite group of shredding legends.